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We understand that God’s primary posture toward us is GRACE … the undeserved, unearned, unrepayable gift of the God who loves us enough to meet us where we are, but loves us too much to leave us there.  Grace is the love of God at work within us to transform each of our lives into a unique expression of the love of God revealed in

Jesus Christ, so that we become participants in God’s transformation of the world.

A DISCIPLE’S PATH by Dr. James Harnish

Jesus Christ’s primary invitation is to follow him.  We believe this means that we are to go where Jesus goes, do what Jesus does, say what Jesus says, love those whom Jesus loves and, thereby, become more like him (the image of God.)  

We further believe that all persons are made in the image of God, precious in God’s sight and formed by the love of God demonstrated in the life, teaching, ministry, healing, suffering, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Therefore, all persons are equally worthy of love, dignity, respect, care, justice, freedom, opportunity and basic human necessities.

Our VISION is to be a faith community that invites, welcomes and encourages any and all persons, where ever they may be in their life journey or circumstance, to take the next step to more closely follow Jesus Christ.


Our MISSION is to …

  • GROW: We cultivate discipleship through the regular practice of worship, prayer & devotion, Bible study and theological reflection and faithful stewardship of creation and all resources/blessings.


  • CARE: We care for each other through small groups, Stephen Ministry and related efforts to lift up those in need.


  • SERVE: We reach out with the love of Christ into our community through ministries such as Servant’s Heart, local school engagement, Home Help & Repair and many others.


  • INVITE: We intentionally and regularly invite our community to engage with us through worship, study, fellowship & fun and hands-on opportunities to share the grace and love of God.

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